Since I have speak a lot of foreign languages, folks are often asking what was the easiest language to learn. I wish it were as easy as saying French, or German, or Spanish. Unfortuitously, like so many matters the clear answer is a lot more complicated than one might think.

It is not at all times a matter that is the easiest to language to learn. To be able to understand which language is easiest for you to learn, you must analyze the differences and similarities between the different languages.

For instance, many English speakers in the United States instantly believe Spanish may be the language to learn. But that is only because Spanish will be the standard 2nd language spoken around this country. So certainly, Spanish might be easier for most Americans than some other foreign languages. One problem, but, is that many americans incorrectly believe that speaking Spanish is little more than adding an '-o' to the finish of every word in a sentence. Nothing could be further in the truth.

Something that should be taken into consideration is that Spanish is a Latin language, but it can also be largely influenced by Arabic. So there are a lot of words in the language that do not follow the guidelines are available Latin language. While English as a lot of Latin words in it, it's a truly Germanic language. And due to that, as you may think. Spanish eventually doesn't share as much similarities

While English is descended from German, that does not suggest that English speakers can quickly pick up the German language. German for some north Americans, contains many strange guttural sounds. In reality, it's fair to say that most of the people from the United States haven't heard proper German spoken. German also has very complicated grammar and word structuring, making it much more complicated to understand for the average English speaker. Nevertheless, nevertheless, English and German do share some facets of grammar. and some profound similarities in core vocabulary

French is still another language that is of interest to many English speakers. Regrettably, most people in the United States have been given a negative effect of the French language as well as French people. And the small that individuals learn about the French language is inaccurate at best. For that reason, when many Americans begin learning French they must unlearn lots of bad habits that have been drilled in to them for a lengthy time.

Like Spanish, French can be in Latin language. Yet it has one specific difference. You see, over a period of approximately one hundred years or so in recent history, France was invaded by Germany at least 3 times. For this reason, French like English has a large amount of German inspired words.

Possibly the greatest problem for many Americans in regards to French is that they don't recognize that they already know plenty of French words. Oftentimes, because they do not have been large vocabulary in their mother language. is

More information can be found here.

These three languages have many characteristics they share with English that will be what makes anyone of them an excellent choice if you want to learn to communicate a learn spanish, as you can easily see. Just evaluate the differences in this essay and review which fits your current history and knowledge most readily useful.

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    July 2013

